Playing on the phone…

Posted by on Dec 20, 2012
Playing on the phone…

Something that I love about tutoring is how much I learn… During a session on Lightroom with Glenda, she showed me her Instagram library. She’s doing some really cool stuff! Check her out #butterflyblue She pointed me in the direction of an app for slow shutter speeds. Thus the photo of PJ in his speedy […]

An amazing event!

Posted by on Nov 24, 2012
An amazing event!

Thursday night was a magical one… I love my job when I’m sent into a mystery location to photograph a delirium of colourful characters, amazing sets, wild food, funky bars and musical mayhem. This was an event by Rizer with food and bars by Seaweed Cuisine. See a complete gallery here

Bruny Island recce

Posted by on Nov 21, 2012
Bruny Island recce

I was also in Tasmania to research the ultimate Bruny Island adventure/ workshop for a bunch of lucky photo enthusiasts next March. We had been to Bruny a couple of times before whilst filming for the Garagistes doco, but I wanted to find the perfect spot to base our workshop. We found it at Sunset […]

Happiness is in the Plate (in Hobart)

Posted by on Oct 9, 2012
Happiness is in the Plate (in Hobart)

Well, this is my first post as I’m about to launch this new website! Pierre-Jacques and I have just returned from another amazing trip to Tasmania where we premiered the documentary ‘Le Bonheur est dans L’assiette’ that we made last year with Philippe Allante and Sophie Brissaud for ARTE television. It was a private showing […]